Exemple de trame (utiliser des titres de niveau 2 et 3) :
Thèmes de recherche développés
- Méthodes et outils de prédiction stratégique. Modélisation et simulation de l'environnement stratégique des organisations privées et publiques
- Jeux sérieux pour la stratégie des organisations
- Typologies des pratiques d'Intelligence Economique des entreprises (ex: PME) et organisations publiques (ex: agriculture)
- Utilisation des médias sociaux pour la stratégie
- Intelligence Collective
Points forts des activités de recherche
J'utilise des méthodes qualitatives (ex: traitement pas NVivo) et quantitatives (ex: mathématiques non déterministes, analyse par cluster), approches constructivistes et longitudinales à des fins stratégiques. Création de la méthode de Système Stratégique de Signaux Précoces ® (Bisson, 2013) et de son logiciel dédié permettant le calcul des scénarios stratégiques potentiels et leurs impacts, aider les organisations à anticiper les évenements et optimiser leurs actions stratégiques. Développement de modeles d'évaluation des pratiques d'Intelligence Economique et d'Indicateurs stratégiques sectoriels. Projets de recherche internationaux : USA (NSF), UE, France (Ministere de la Recherche et agriculture), Turquie et Perou.RECOMPENSES
- Bisson C (2017). Trophée Académicien 2017 (pour l'Europe) de l'organisation Mondiale de l'Intelligence Stratégique et Concurrentielle. Cela récompense notamment ses recherches en systemes stratégiques hybrides permettant à tout type d'organisation privée ou publique de mieux détecter et interpréter les signaux faibles issus d'un environnement complexe et volatile.
- Bisson C (2014). Exploring the Competitive Intelligence Practices of the French Local Public Agricultural sector. Journal of Intelligence Studies in Business Vol 4, No 2, 5-29 sélectionné en 2015 par La Délégation Interministérielle a l'Intelligence Economique: http://www.intelligence-economique.gouv.fr/sites/default/files/c._bisson_jisib.pdf
- Bisson C (2013). “Guide de Gestion Stratégique de l’information pour les PME”, sélectionné en 2014 comme Essai par La Délégation Interministérielle a l'Intelligence Economique: http://www.intelligence-economique.gouv.fr/methodes-et-outils/publications-de-la-d2ie
- Wright, S., Bisson, C. & Duffy, A.P. (2012). “Applying a Behavioural and Operational Diagnostic Typology of Competitive Intelligence Practice: Empirical Evidence from the SME Sector in Turkey”. Journal of Strategic Marketing, Vol 20, No 1, pp 19-34. Selected by the Psychology Press series in Canada as being of special interest to academic progress in the field of Psychology. This series alerts the scientific community to Journal articles which represent the best in Psychology research.
- Prix SCIP/ IDT « Action d'Intelligence Economique » en 2000.
idHal non défini.
ACL : Articles dans des revues internationales ou nationales avec comité de lecture (13)
- 2018 — Bisson, C, Barnea, A (forthcoming 2018). Competitive Intelligence: From being the “eyes and the ears” to becoming “the brain” of companies. Competitive Intelligence, 22(4). — Lien vers article en ligne
- 2018 — Bisson, C. and Tang Tong, M.M. (2018) Investigating the competitive intelligence practices of Peruvian fresh grapes exporters. Journal of Intelligence Studies in Business. 8 (2) 43-61 — Lien vers article en ligne
- 2017 — Bisson, C; Diner, O. (forthcoming 2017). A Graph Theoretical Approach to Foresee Volatility. Futures (ranked 1st for Strategic Foresight & Future Studies. SSCI).
- 2017 — Bisson, C. and Gurpinar, F. (2017) A Bayesian approach to developing a strategic early warning system for the French milk market. Journal of Intelligence Studies in Business. 7 (3) 25-34. — Lien vers article en ligne
- 2016 — Toker A, Seraj M., Kuscu A., Yavuz R., Koch S. and Bisson C. (forthcoming 2016). SOCIAL MEDIA ADOPTION: A PROCESS-BASED APPROACH. Journal of Organizational Computing and Electronic Commerce (SCI. ranked 33/700 in the IS field).
- 2015 — Dekervenoal R, Bisson C, Palmer M. (Forthcoming 2015). "Dissidents with an innovation cause? Non-institutionalized actors’ online social knowledge sharing, solution-finding tensions and technology management innovation". IT & People (SSCI. ranked 21 / 700 in the field of Information Systems).
- 2014 — Baruh, L., Chisik, Y., Bisson, C., & Senova, B. (2014). When Sharing Less Means More: How Gender Moderates the Impact of Quantity of Information Shared in a Social Network Profile on Profile Viewers’ Intentions about Socialization. Communication Research Reports.
- 2014 — Bisson C (2014). Exploring the Competitive Intelligence Practices of the French Local Public Agricultural sector. Journal of Intelligence Studies in Business Vol 4, No 2 (2014) 5-29. — Lien vers article en ligne
- 2013 — • Wright, S., Bisson, C., Duffy, A (2013). Competitive Intelligence and Information Technology Adoption of SMEs in Turkey: Diagnosing Current Performance and Identifying Barriers. Journal of Intelligence Studies of in Business, vol3. no2, pp5-29. • — Lien vers article en ligne
- 2012 — Wright, S., Bisson, C., Duffy, A. (2012). A Behavioural and Operational Typology of Competitive Intelligence Practices in Turkish SMEs, Journal of Strategic Marketing, vol.20, no1, Feb, pp 19-33.
- 2011 — Bresson, F., Bisson, C. (2011). Market study on SIM card usage in Sub-Saharan Africa with special reference to Kenya, International Journal of Marketing Principles and Practices, Vol1, No 1, pp 49-56.
- 2010 — Bisson C. (2010). Development of Competitive Intelligence tools and methodology in a French high-tech SME, Competitive Intelligence Magazine, Vol 13, No1, pp 18-24.
ACT : Articles publiés dans des actes de colloques / congrès (22)
- 2018 — Guillemette, J.C. and Bisson, C. (2018). An Approach for Comparing Social Media Marketing Intelligence Platforms. Proceedings of the 17th International Marketing Trends Congress, January 18-20, Paris. — Lien vers article en ligne
- 2017 — Baruh,L, Cemalcilar,Z., Bisson, C, Chisk,Y (2017). First Impressions on Social Network Sites: Impact of Self-Disclosure Breadth on Attraction. 4th European Conference on Social Media - ECSM 2017 3-4 July 2017, Vilnius, Lithuania
- 2016 — Bisson and Ak O (2016). Comparison of Competitive Intelligence practices of the TBRICS nations. International Conference on Information and Social Science, Sapporo, Japan June 24-26.
- 2015 — Toker A, Seraj M, Kuscu A, Yavuz R, Koch S, Bisson C (2015). Social Media Maturity and Social Media Intention by SMEs in Turkey. 14th International Marketing Trends Conference. Paris.23th -24th.January 2015.
- 2015 — Toker A, Seraj M, Kuscu A, Yavuz R, Koch S, Bisson C (2015). Social Media Maturity and Social Media Usage Intention. Emerging Markets Conference.Dubai. January.
- 2014 — Bisson C., Buyukturk, An illustration of ‘Strategic Early Warning System’ software and its use as a decision-making aid for professional football (soccer) clubs, In Destech publication, 2014 International Conference on Management and Engineering, May 24-25, Shanghai.
- 2013 — Baruh, L., Chisik, Y., Bisson, C., & Senova, B. "Building Better First Impressions through More Information: The Impact of Quantity of Information Shared on a Profile, Profile Owner’s Gender and Profile Viewer’s Voyeuristic Curiosity on Formation of Impressions," ICA 2013 conference “Challenging Communication Research.” London, 17-21 June 2013.
- 2013 — Bisson, C., Elaborate robust strategies with Strategic Early Warning System: The case of the Turkish pharmaceutical sector, International conference on Information and Social Science, Nagoya, 24-26 Sep 2013.
- 2013 — De Kervenoael R. Bisson C., Web designers’ power struggle strategies and management innovation, Proceedings of the 13th International Marketing Trends Congress, January 24-25, 2014, Venice.
- 2012 — Baruh L, Chisik Y, Bisson C, Senova B, More or Less: Amount of Personal Information Displayed in Social Network Site Profiles and Its Impact on Viewers’ Intentions to Socialize with the Profile Owner, The 6th International AAAI conference on weblogs and social media, Dublin, Ireland, 4th-8th of June 2012.
- 2012 — Baruh, L., Chisik, Y., Bisson, C., & Senova, B., Information Quantity on Social Networking Sites and Social Attraction, In Proceedings of Time Networks: Screen Media and Memory, The NECS 2012 Conference, Lisbonne, Portugal, June 2012.
- 2012 — Bisson C., Guibey, I., Laurent, R, Dagron, P., Mise en place d’un Système de détection de Signaux Précoces pour une Intelligence Collective de l’Agriculture appliquée aux filières de l’élevage bovin, Congres PSDR, Clermont Ferrand, 16-19 Juin 2012.
- 2012 — De Kervenoael R. Bisson C., Elms J., Online Retail Social Cues: Investigating Web Designers’ Resistances to Go Beyond Firms’ Contractual Strategy, EİRASS, Vienna, July 9-12, 2012.
- 2011 — Wright S., Bisson C., Duffy A., A Behavioural and Operational Typology of Competitive Intelligence Practices in Turkish SMEs, Academy of Marketing Conference, 5 - 7th July 2011, Liverpool.
- 2010 — Bresson F., Bisson C., Toward a better comprehension of complex multi SIM markets: the Kenyan case, Proceedings of the 9th International Marketing Trends Congress, January 21-23, 2010, Venice.
- 2010 — De Kervenoael R. Bisson C., Legitimizing e-social capital cues’ integration: Investigating the multiple paths of resistance among web site designers, Proceedings of the 9th International Marketing Trends Congress, January 21-23, 2010, Venice.
- 2009 — Bisson C., de Kervenoael R., Aykac D.S.O., Social e-Atmospherics in Practice (or not): A French and Turkish Web Designers’ Perspectives, Proceedings of the 8th International Marketing Trends Congress, January 16-17, 2009, Paris.
- 2009 — Bozkus Z., Bisson C., Arsan T., Analitik Masraf Yönetim Sistemi, inet-tr’08 XIII. Türkiye’de İnternet Konferensi Bildirileri, Editorler Mustafa Akgül, Ethem Derman, Ufuk Çaglayan, Atilla Özgit, Orta Doğu Teknik Üniversitesi, Ankara, 22-23 Aralik 2008, pp. 47-50.
- 2009 — Bozkus Z., Bisson C., Arsan T., Masraf Yönetim Yazilim Mimarisi, Akedemik Bilişim Konferansi (AB 2009), Harran Üniversitesi, Şanlıurfa 11-13 Şubat 2009.
- 2009 — Zeki Bozkus, Christophe Bisson, Taner Arsan. Analytical expense management system, NDT 2009, First International Conference on `Networked Digital Technologies`, Ostrava, The Czech Republic, July 28 - 31, 2009 (Co-Sponsored by IEEE).
- 2008 — De Kervenoael R.., Aykac D.S.O., Bisson C., Comparing Influence of Social E-Atmospherics in Practice: Content Analysis in France and Turkey, Proceedings of the 7th International Marketing Trends Congress, January 17-19, 2008, Venice.
- 2003 — Bisson C., Application of Competitive Intelligence in a French High-Tech company. Application in the field of electronic, Proceedings of the 1st Competitive Intelligence congress, Shanghai Institute of Technology, October 13-14, 2003, Shanghai.
CHAP : Chapitre d’ouvrage scientifique (5)
- 2015 — Bisson C., Guibey, I., Laurent, R, Dagron, P. (2015). Mise en place d’un Système de détection de Signaux Précoces pour une Intelligence Collective de l’Agriculture appliquée aux filières de l’élevage bovin, QUAE.
- 2013 — • Bisson, C. (2013). “The Competitive Advantages of Early Warning Systems in Marketing”. In The Manager Certified Marketing Management Professional Handbook. Toronto: The IIMP. Pp 121-134.
- 2012 — Wright, S., Bisson, C., Duffy, A, (2012). “A Behavioural and Operational Typology of Competitive Intelligence Practices in Turkish SMEs”, in Competitive intelligence, analysis and strategy : creating organisational agility, Dr Sheila Wright, Abingdon: Routledge.
- 2011 — De Kervenoael R., Bisson C., Palmer M. (2011). Are web designers resisting the inclusion of social cues when creating website user interface?in User Interface Design for Virtual Environments: Challenges and Advances, Dr. Badrul H Khan, McWeadon Education, USA, IGI Global, Pp 209-225.
- 2011 — De Kervenoael R., Bisson C., Palmer M. (2011). Web designers, social e-atmospherics, value creation and e-business planning: exploring resistances regarding conflicting demands, in Strategic and Pragmatic E-Business: Implications for Future Business Practices, Dr Karim Rezaul, USA, IGI Global, Pp 330-351.
AA : Autres articles (5)
- 2015 — Réalisation d'un Dossier spécial pour Veille Magazine (2014). "Vers un nouveau modele de gestion stratégique de l'information", N 142, Mars-Avril
- 2011 — Bisson C., Wright S, Türk kobi lerinde rekabet istihbaratı uygulamalarının tipolojisi, March 2011, 27 pages.
- 2007 — Bisson C., Counterfeiting in Turkey, www.unifab.com , 2007, 35 pages.
- 2002 — Bisson C. (2001). La sécurité économique, Veille Magazine, 48, Octobre.
- 2002 — Bisson C., Payre R. (2002). La Veille Stratégique au service du management de la qualité, Technologies Internationales, 80, Décembre-Janvier, pp. 41-44.
OS : Ouvrages scientifiques (y compris les éditions critiques et les traductions scientifiques) (1)
- 2013 — Bisson, C. (2013). Guide de Gestion Stratégique de l’information pour les PME. France, Les 2 encres, 278p.
APC : Autres produits présentés dans des colloques (4)
- 2016 — Bisson C (2016). Face turbulent business environments with Strategic Early Warning System: The case of the Turkish pharmaceutical sector. SCIP/CICI Summit. Shanghai 30-31 March.
- 2012 — EMEA Intelligence, « Toward World Class Competitive Intelligence », Istanbul, 29th of Feb- 2nd of March 2012.
- 2011 — • IBM Turkey: "Competitive Intelligence Systems: Solutions for the management of Strategic Information", Akıllı Bilgi Yönetimi Çözümleri, • Ankara the 19th of April 2011; • Istanbul the 21st of April, 2011.
- 2007 — Counterfeiting in Turkey, Istanbul, the 12th December 2007.